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The simplest way to run the server is to use the container bundle.

Prepare a local directory for config files:

mkdir -p ~/.kt2l/config

On mac it is a problem that the userid inside the container is 1001 and not 501 (default on mac). This means the process in the container can't access files in the new config directory. use chmod -R 777 ~/.kt2l/config to give access. But keep in mind that the files have different user rights.

The following command will run the server in the background using you kube config:

docker run -d --rm --name kt2l-server \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v "$HOME/.kube:/home/user/.kube" \
-v "$HOME/.kt2l/config:/home/user/config" \
-e CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY=/home/user/config \
--platform linux/amd64 \

The following platforms are supported: linux/amd64, linux/arm64

You can access the server with the browser http://localhost:8080. You have to login if you use the container version. Use admin and the password from the container log. After a few seconds you can get the password with the following command: docker logs kt2l-server|grep "Set login password for user admin"|cut -d \} -f 2|cut -d ' ' -f 1.

To stop and remove the docker container simply run docker stop kt2l-server.