📄️ Navigation
📄️ AI Panel
AI will analyze each selected resource. The AI panel will show the results of the analysis.
📄️ Cluster Selector
Choose a general action or select a cluster and choose a cluster action. You can find
📄️ Create Panel
Create resources using yaml definitions.
📄️ Delete Dialog
Delete Resources
📄️ Yaml Editor
📄️ Edit ConfigMap
This editor allows you to edit entries in a ConfigMap. You can add, edit, or delete entries in the ConfigMap.
📄️ Edit Secrets
This editor allows you to edit entries in a Secrets. You can add, edit, or delete entries in the Secret.
📄️ Events Panel
This panel shows the events of the selected resource or all events. The events are sorted by occurrence time.
📄️ Exec Panel
This panel allows you to execute a command script on one or more pods in the same time. Insert the script
📄️ Global Settings Panel
The settings are stored for all users.
📄️ Helm Chart Details
Shows details about the installed Helm chart.
📄️ Helm Installed Charts
The grid shows the currently installed Helm charts in the cluster.
📄️ Create Panel
Patch resources using yaml definitions.
📄️ Edit Forms
Note: Experimantal feature.
📄️ Local Bash
The panel provides a way to run a bash on the local server host.
📄️ Logs Panel
This panel will show the logs of one or more pods. If more then one pod is selected, the logs will be shown in
📄️ Port Forwarding
Port forwarding is a way to make a pod or service available to the local machine. This is useful for debugging or
📄️ Resources Panel
In the first row you have filter options. You can select the resource types and the namespace and a name filter to see the resources in the cluster. If a special filter is active
📄️ Pod Shell
Execute a shell command on the remote port as separate process.
📄️ Storage Panel
Shows the internal managed storage of the application. All files are stored in the storage directory.
📄️ User Settings Panel
The settings are stored for the current user.
📄️ Visualisation Panel
The visualisation panel is a powerful tool to visualise data with vis.js. It shows the entities
📄️ System Info
The system info panel shows information about the system and the application.
📄️ Commands
📄️ Keyboard Shortcuts
The meaning od OS Key is the Command key on MacOS and the Control key on Linux/Windows.
📄️ Resource Creation Templates
In the resource creation editor it is possible to define resources using yaml definitions. If you use the snippet view