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Run a command like kubectl exec direct or with shell and opens a new terminal for it. You can either use the argument cmd or exec to define the command. If you do not define both a shell with prompt will be opened.


  • cmd: string - the command to run as a shell script.
  • exec: string - the execution command directly, parts are comma separated.
  • tty: boolean - open a tty for the command, default is true.
  • stdin: boolean - opens a stdin pipeline for the command, default is true.
  • shell: string - command for the shell, default is /bin/bash.

The command will create a scope to handle the open terminal.


Attach to a pod like kubectl attach.


  • tty: boolean - open a tty for the command, default is true.
  • stdin: boolean - opens a stdin pipeline for the command, default is true.

The command will create a scope to handle the open terminal.


Clears the terminal content buffers of the scope.


Send characters to an open terminal.


  • line: string - send a line inclusive a newline character
  • msg: string - send a message without the newline character


Wait for a specific content to appear in the terminal or the end of the terminal connection. You can wait for content (combined standard out and error out) or one of stdout or errout. Or all of them.


  • content: string - the content to wait for in the terminal content buffer.
  • stdout: string - the content to wait for in the terminal stdout buffer.
  • stderr: string - the content to wait for in the terminal stderr buffer.
  • timeout: number/period - the timeout period to wait for the content to appear, e.g. 5s, 10m, 1h

Return parameter (<scope>.return):

  • closed - if the terminal was closed
  • timeout - on timeout
  • content - Match appears in content
  • stdin - Match appears in stdin
  • stderr - Match appears in stderr


Closes the current terminal in the scope.


Starts a new Ephemeral container for debugging and creates a new scope with attach or exec.


  • cmd: string - the command to run in the new container, comma separated.
  • tty: boolean - open a tty for the command, default is true.
  • stdin: boolean - opens a stdin pipeline for the command, default is true.
  • exec: string - the execution command comma separated. If this is set an exec will be created otherwise an attach scope.

Return parameters (<scope>.*):

  • container - Name of the created container in the pod.

Note: The container will not be removed after the command is finished.


Echo a message to the local output.


  • msg: string - The content to print


Set context values / environment variables


  • key: string
  • value: string


Conditional statements.

Arguments for IF/ELSEIF:

  • is: string - the condition to evaluate


  • Use ${name} for substitution
  • Use < <= > >= == != =~ for comparison
  • Use || && to connect multiple comparisons


Sleep a amount of time.


  • time : string - time to sleep period.


Set an environment variable or if not set print all variables.


  • key: string
  • value: string


Download a file from the pod to the local storage.


  • from: string - the file to download
  • to: string - the target file (ths system will add a timestamp to the file name)


Using communication commands to interact with the terminal you can use scopes to separate different sessions. Add the scope to the command name with a dot before the command, e.g. scope.exec and scope.send, scope.close. If no scope is provided the default scope default is used.

Environment variables

The variables are global for all sessions.


  • container - Name of the container in the pod to connect to.
  • '<scope>.return' - Some commands will return a result in this variable.


  1. Open a terminal with shell, send ls -l, wait for the next prompt and close the terminal.
!SEND line="ls -l"
!WAIT content="root@nginx"
  1. Open a terminal with the shell command ls -la and wait for the terminal to close. Also print the process list and wait.
ls -la
  1. Attaches to a terminal and send in the background a SIGHUP signal to the first process. Wait for the output startup in the terminal.
session1.ATTACH stdin=false tty=false
session2.EXEC cmd="kill -1 1"
session1.WAIT content="startup"