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Keyboard Shortcuts

The meaning od OS Key is the Command key on MacOS and the Control key on Linux/Windows.

DResource ActionDescribe Resources
YResource ActionYaml Editor
Ctrl+BACKSPACEResource ActionDelete Resources
Ctrl+CResource ActionOpen Create Panel for the Cluster
OS+RResource ActionRefresh Resource List
/Resource ActionFocus Filter Text
:Resource ActionFocus Resource Types
'Resource ActionFocus Namespaces
SPACEResource ActionChange Selection
ENTERResource ActionOpen Details/Preview Panel
Ctrl+NResource ActionShow Nodes for Resource
Ctrl+PResource ActionShow Pods for Resource
Ctrl+JResource ActionShow Jobs for CronJob
Ctrl+XResource ActionOpen Patch Panel
Ctrl+FResource ActionOpen Form Editor
Ctrl+IResource ActionOpen AI Panel
EPod Resource ActionExec Commands Panel
PPod Resource ActionOpen Port Forwarding
SPod Resource ActionOpen Shell Panel
APod Resource ActionOpen Attach Panel
TPod Resource ActionOpen Terminal Panel (Local only)
LPod Resource ActionOpen Logs Panel
IPod Resource ActionResize Limits
Ctrl+APod Resource ActionToggle Alert Highlighting
PService Resource ActionOpen Port Forwarding
EConfigMap Resource ActionEdit Content
ESecret Resource ActionEdit Content
SDeploy Resource ActionResize Resources
SResultSet Resource ActionResize Resources
SCronJob Resource ActionSuspend/Resume
Ctrl+HGlobalToggle Help Panel
Ctrl+QGlobalClose Selected Panel