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Clusters Configuration

In the file clusters.yaml you can define the clusters you want to use in the application. By default, the configuration can be overwritten in the user config directory. Set the environment variable KT2L_PROTECTED_CLUSTERS_CONFIG to true to protect the configuration from being overwritten.

defaultCluster: colima
defaultResourceType: "pods"
defaultNamespace: default
clusterSelector: true
- name: colima
title: "Colima"
enabled: true
color: green

The example shows the configuration for the cluster colima.

The following colors are available: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange, pink, cyan, gray.

The common confiuration properties are:

  • defaultCluster: The default cluster
  • defaultResourceType: The default resource type
  • defaultNamespace: The default namespace
  • clusterSelector: If the cluster selector is enabled or the default cluster forced to be used (defaultCluster must be set)

In the cluster section you can define the following properties:

  • name: The name of the cluster
  • title: The title of the cluster
  • enabled: If the cluster is enabled
  • color: The color of the cluster title
  • defaultNamespace: The default namespace for the cluster
  • defaultResourceType: The default resource type for the cluster
  • shell: A list of pods and the shell command to connect to the pod

If you are inside a kubernetes cluster, the cluster name is .local-cluster.

If you want to reduce the number of clusters in the cluster list, you can configure the access rights in aaa.yaml for cluster resources.