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Local command execution

The local command execution is used to describe how to execute commands on the local system. The configuration is stored in the config/cmd-[os system].yaml file.

OS systems are linux, windows and macos.

For each executed command you can define a list of arguments that is used to execute the command.


- /usr/bin/osascript
- '-e'
- tell application "Terminal" to do script "kubectl exec -it --context '${context}' -c '${container}' '${pod}' -- '${cmd}'; exit"
- '-e'
- tell application "Terminal" to activate
- /usr/bin/open
- '${url}'
- /usr/bin/open
- '-R'
- '${path}'

Depending on the command you can use the following variables:

  • ${context} - the current kubernetes context
  • ${container} - the container name
  • ${pod} - the pod name
  • ${cmd} - the command to execute
  • ${namespace} - the namespace name
  • ${url} - the url to open
  • ${path} - the path to open