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Users Configuration

The user configuration is used to configure the user specific settings. The configuration is stored in the config/users.yaml file.

- name: "admin"
password: "{generate}"
- "READ"

Under the users key you can define the users. The name key is the username. The password key is the password. You can use the {generate} keyword to generate a random password. It will be printed in the log output. The roles key is a list of roles the user has. The following default roles are available:

  • READ: The user can read files and directories.
  • WRITE: The user can write files and directories.
  • LOCAL: The user can execute local commands.
  • SETTINGS: The user can change the user settings.
  • ADMIN: The user is an admin and can change the configuration.

It's possible to define custom roles also. Use custom roles in the aaa configuration to define the permissions.

The password can also be set with other types

  • {noop}plain: The password is stored in plain text.
  • {env}ENV_KEY: The password is stored and loaded from an environment variable.
  • {bcrypt}hash: The password is stored as a bcrypt hash.

If you use {env}ENV_KEY the password is stored in the environment variable ENV_KEY. If the value starts with a wavy bracket { it is treated as encoded password. A password can't start with a wavy bracket if loaded from environment variable.

For more options see the spring boot configuration Password Storage.

By default, generated passwords will be reported in the log file. If you want to suppress this, you can set the environment variable KT2L_UNSECURE to false.

User Repository

By default, the users are stored in memory. Initially the users are loaded from the config/users.yaml file. This configuration is used to configure this repository. If another repository is used this configuration is not valid.

Configure access to the user repository with the following parameters:

allowCreateUsers: false
allowUpdateUsers: false
allowDeleteUsers: false

By default, the access is restricted then it's not possible to use SSO logins. If you want to use SSO logins you have to set the access to true.